Mint a Queen : x2 MintPrice airdropped
Mint a Golden Queen : x4 MintPrice airdropped
Hold an EPIC : PRESALE with 10% discount
Hold a Queen : EPIC + Bonus x2 for every rewards during
⚡ History
Why xWomen ?
We all know why "x" 🔥 Since Elrond transformed it MultiversX, we can see X everywhere on this blockchain 🚀
Women looks more like a challenge, and a desire for something new.
Even "Human" would be a challenge while we can see Apes everywhere 😃
It seemed obvious to us to do not make Apes anymore in order to avoid repeating the same things.
Women are in the minority in the crypto world and we wanted to pay tribute to them. ❤️
We took care of the details to represent everyone, with sexy, colorful, funny designs, and to create perfect profil pic for your discord / Twitter / ...
To remind you, all the collections will have an unique design 👀
We want and we will propose you always something different and unique ⚡
⚡ Distribution
182 NFT into 9 families will be referenced in this collection :
Super hero
Each family consists of 20 xWomen and 2 Queens 👑
With the exception of the GoldenPrime family which is composed of only 6 Golden Queen 👑 👑
⚡ Unique Benefits
Mint a Queen : x2 MintPrice rewards 💰
Mint a Golden Queen : x4 MintPrice rewards 💰 💰
Hold a EPIC : WL with 10% discount for the 6 next collections 📜
Hold a Queen 👑 : WL with 10% discount + Bonus x2 for every rewards during Mints