xKraken is the core collection of xKingNFTx. More precisely, xKraken is xKingNFTx
It is defined as the shares of the project.
Each NFT is a share, and the more you own, the bigger is your part.
⚡ Explanations
xKraken 🐙 is the core collection of xKingNFTx.
More precisely, xKraken is xKingNFTx. It is defined as the shares of the project.
Each NFT is a share, and the more you own, the bigger is your part. 💰
It's this collection that links all the other collections together. :Link:
To illustrate, imagine a Kraken, with the xKraken collection representing the body, and each other collection representing a tentacle (Apedragons, xWomen, xPirates ...).
So each collection will be directly and only linked to xKraken. 🐙
The xKraken collection is easily distinguished from the other collections by its constitution.
➡️ It is the only 2D collection in the project, the others being all AI-generated collections.
➡️ The important supply, whose aim is to dilute it among as many members as possible.
⚡ Distribution
10 000 unique 2D NFT
9 Assets with a total of 105 variations
9 Backgrounds
5 Items in the back
2 Skins
3 Eyes
2 Eyewears
21 Clothes
17 Hats
15 items
1 Jewels
⚡ Benefits
xKraken is 100% passiv incomes 💰 💰
Stacking pool for xKraken
Airdrop of Royalties from all collections (Apedragons, xWomen, xPirates, etc)
Airdrops of rewards from EGLD stacked of DAO wallet
Airdrops of a part of profits from all the next collections
Airdrops of passiv incomes from partners investment